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The Soundtrackcollector database contains:
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A search for 'David Lynch: The Art Life' gave the following results:

1 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
225 matches in composers
  1. David Lynch
  2. Joshua Lynch
  3. Liam Lynch
  4. Kenny Lynch
  5. Steve Lynch
  6. Bruce Lynch
  7. Chris Lynch
  8. David Lee
  9. David Kates
  10. David Christophere
  11. David Levison
  12. David Reyes
  13. David Levinson
  14. David Sardy
  15. David Lanz
  16. David Buckley
  17. Dávid Hegyi
  18. David Ricard
  19. David Lindley
  20. David Gilchrist
Show all 225 matching composers
13435 matches in tracks
  1. David Lynch - "Woods Variation" (12:19)
    from Inland Empire
    Composed and Performed by David Lynch
  2. David Lynch - "Call From the Past" (02:58)
    from Inland Empire
    Composed and Performed by David Lynch
  3. David Lynch - "Rabbits Theme" (00:59)
    from Inland Empire
    Composed and Performed by David Lynch
  4. David Lynch - "Ghost of Love" (05:30)
    from Inland Empire
    Written and Performed by David Lynch
  5. David Lynch - "Mansion Theme" (02:18)
    from Inland Empire
    Composed and Performed by David Lynch
  6. David Lynch - "Walkin' on the Sky" (04:04)
    from Inland Empire
    Written and Performed by David Lynch
  7. David Lynch/Marek Zebrowski - "Polish Night Music No. 1" (04:18)
    from Inland Empire
    Composed and Performed by David Lynch and Marek Zebrowski
  8. David Lynch/Chrysta Bell - "Polish Poem" (05:55)
    from Inland Empire
    Written by David Lynch and Chrysta Bell - Performed by Chrysta Bell
  9. Perdita (04:13)
    from Wild At Heart
    David Lynch & David Slusser; performed by Rubber City
  10. Best Friends (02:14)
    from Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me
    Instrumental, (Music: David Lynch, David Slusser)
  11. Silencio (04:27)
    from Mulholland Drive
    Composed by Angelo Badalamenti & David Lynch
  12. Diner (04:16)
    from Mulholland Drive
    Composed by Angelo Badalamenti & David Lynch
  13. Twin Peaks (05:05)
    from X-Terror Files
    Angelo Badalamenti / David Lynch
  14. The Pink Room (04:04)
    from Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me
    Instrumental, (Music: David Lynch)
  15. Go Get Some (07:09)
    from Mulholland Drive
    Written and performed by David Lynch & John Neff.
  16. Slow 30's Room (00:00)
    from Twin Peaks
    David Lynch & Dean Hurley
  17. Go Get Some (07:08)
    from Mulholland Drive
    Written and performed by David Lynch & John Neff
  18. Twin Peaks (02:45)
    from Meilleurs Génériques Des Séries T.V. Américaines 80's, Les
    Angelo Badalamenti & David Lynch.
  19. American Woman [David Lynch Remix] (00:00)
    from Twin Peaks
    Muddy Magnolias
  20. Mysteries of Love (03:26)
    from Weeds
    Composed by Angelo Badalamenti and David Lynch
Show all 13435 matching tracks